Wednesday, May 30, 2012

PICS: A Circle Album: The Celestial Fulcrum

At last, witness the Fire- (Ice and Electrical) Power of this FULLY ARMED and OPERATIONAL BATTLE ENGINE!

Whew! Six months after receiving the Fulcrum as a bday gift from my fiancee, it's finally finished! Aside from the Storm Strider, I really think the Fulcrum is one of the best-looking Battle Engine models Privateer Press has created.

I've had a chance to 'field test' the Fulcrum four times now, and it hasn't disappointed me yet - setting things on fire is quite enjoyable - I can see why the Menoth players enjoy it!

The only thing I sort of wish I had done with this model is to do some of the green runes' OSL on the druids, but to be honest, by this point I was ready to finish the engine and have it be done with. At least I made myself try it out on the rocks that form the model's base.

I'm also planning at some point to make this model the centerpiece for a D&D adventure - it's too good not to...
(click on the photos to see some larger images)

I'll have to look into getting some more 'top-down' shots of the model when I can. This model makes me a pretty happy gamer. :)

Of course, there's the realization that somewhere down the line in the near future that I'm going to have to repeat this process in a similar manner when the Woldwrath finally comes out... Ah, wells... ;)

Monday, May 14, 2012

Paint Log - 5/13/12

So I've gotten some work done over the past week or so, including today.

For much of the past week, work has focused on painting Baldur the Stonesoul, a Gallows Grove, my unit of Woldstalkers, a Sentry Stone, and of course, the Celestial Fulcrum.

As of today, the druids guiding the Fulcrum are finished and sealed. The Fulcrum is very nearly finished, aside from some minor things to paint and clean up. After everyone's very positive reactions at the FLGS and my friends, the same comment I keep hearing from everyone when I tell them it's not yet finished are groans of disbelief ("Only you would say that," eloquently sums up one person's comment for everyone).

Having given some serious thought to something another painter mentioned to someone's post on the PP forums, I've decided to take it to heart, too. Effectively, the advice was: You're done. The model is finished. Put it down and move onto the next one, and consider anything and everything you do and don't like about the model to have been a learning experience to apply to the next one down the line.

He's right - if I keep at the Fulcrum until it's 100% as I want it to be, it'll never be finished. It looks good, it's certainly above tabletop quality, and I did indeed learn quite a bit from painting it (Lesson #1 was, "Never buy and paint this model again!"). I've repainted the thing 2-3 times now - time to put it to rest. I'm hoping to get it finished and sealed tomorrow evening.

I also bought and tried out GW's new 'Liquid Green Stuff.' So far, it's served quite well. I still need to learn how to use it a bit better, but it filled in the large gap on the Fulcrum with no evidence it was ever there. A lot simpler to instantly use, that's for certain.

Baldur and the Gallows Grove look great thus far. I've particularly enjoyed trying out some new instructions for painting the green magical glow of the Circle Orboros runes - Folha Seca from the PP forums was kind to share them with me after we exchanged a couple emails (he also does some fantastic work).

Most of today, however, was spent finally prepping my unit of Wolves of Orboros. They're now based, primed, and waiting to be painted after waiting patiently for a long while - it was getting embarrassing to be fielding a bare unit alongside everything else on the table. Most of their weapons are not yet attached - that'll come after their bodies are fully painted so the spear shafts don't get in the way. The only thing that bothers me is the very likely propensity for the spear heads to snap off once they're fully assembled. I wish their spears were sturdier like the Wolf Chieftain's. At any rate, tomorrow should see some gold paint slapped on them and possibly the green enameling as well.

Oh, and last but not least, tonight was mostly spent painting Feral Warpwolf #2, practicing the two-brush blending technique. One thing I've definitely learned - I need another good brush if I'm going to do it properly, but I'm quite happy with the results thus far.

(Almost forgot - both Argus models as of earlier today are now treading water in a tub of Simple Green. I'll be repainting them both, using a lot of the newer techniques I've learned. It'll be nice to get them finished... they're the only models left from the original battlebox I purchased that aren't finished yet).

PICS: A Circle Album - Units

Not much here - I've painted few full units at this time. But I do have so far is here:

Shifting Stones + Stone Keeper Unit Attachment:


Reeves of Orboros + Chieftain and Standard Bearer Unit Attachment:
Though I keep hearing what a bad rep this unit gets, and to be honest, I find them overcosted myself, I still really love the look of the whole unit. I've fielded them a few times, and they've actually done alright several times. That said, I consider them to be my best painted unit to date. The Standard Bearer still isn't quite finished, but nearly so.

Tharn Bloodtrackers:
My beloved 'chicks with sticks,' and primary workhorse units. I've had this unit the longest, and it also took me forever to get them all painted.

Druids of Orboros + Druid Overseer UA:
My other workhorse unit. STILL not finished... I really need to get off my ass and get them done.

Warpborn Skinwalkers - Unit Leader:
So for this unit, I only have the leader painted, mostly as a test-piece. I'm very, very happy with how he turned out - now I just need to finish the other two!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

PICS: A Circle Album - Solos

Here are the current Solos in my lists.

Druid Wilder

Blackclad Wayfarer - One of the first Circle models I purchased and painted, if only so I could paint his home-grown stone axe. The figure was a complete pain in the ass to paint at the time due to his cloak and tiny details, but in the in end I like how he turned out.

Lord of the Feast - One of my favorite Circle solos to field, even moreso since Grayle the Farstrider was released. But just because of the sheer nastiness that is the Lord, he almost never survives long enough to really hit his stride... nearly just about everyone I play goes gunning straight for him the first thing they do once they see him hit the table. I swear, you teleport him just once right into the midst of someone's unit of Stormblades and utterly slaughter the whole lot of them, and they never forgive you from that day forward. ;)

Wolf Lord Morraig - I have a love/hate relationship with this model. On the one hand, Morraig is one of the first models that got me well and truly excited to start playing the Circle faction - I couldn't wait to finally get my hands on him. He's got impressive abilities, and he hits like a tank. But for all that, he just never performs for me on the table - whenever he should have an next-to-absolutely-impossible-to-miss shot that should wreck house or help win me the game, the guy fluffs the attack with either a 2 or a 3 on his to-hit roll.

For all that, I still love this model. Morraig here is not yet finished - these are shots of the WIP. As shown, he still needs his sword hand painted, and he's missing his shield. In fact, his upper torso is not yet glued to the rest of the model at this time, to allow me to easier access to painting him.

Friday, May 11, 2012

PICS: A Circle Album - Light Warbeasts

Here are three of the light warbeasts. While I have two Argus models (Argii?) they're not finished... I'm seriously considering just stripping their paint and redoing them.

In the meantime, here's my Woldwatcher, Woldwyrd, and a Gorax WIP  (I have a fully painted Gorax 1st sculpt, but I like this guy more).

Woldwatcher, Light Warbeast Construct

This guy has probably absorbed more damage and kept on ticking than even his bigger 'brother.'

Woldwyrd, Light Warbeast Construct

Battle krill! I've actually become quite fond of this little guy and his magical laser.
Gorax, Light Warbeast

Not the view you likely want coming right at you... I'll be adding drool to his face once he's finished.
... Course, the rear view a Gorax isn't pretty, either.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

PICS: A Circle Album - Heavy Warbeasts

So, the following are a bunch of miniatures I've painted on for my army. Some were done a long time ago, others more recently. But after playing with the camera and finally getting some good shots, I felt it was high past time to post these up.

There's a lot of pictures here, so I'll somewhat sub-divide these up for easier viewing. Click on the image to get the bigger version.

So, without further ado, here's the bulk of my (painted) forces. Enjoy!

Feral Warpwolf (aka, 'The Grey Mouser'), Heavy Warbeast

Warpwolf Stalker (aka, 'Wraith'), Heavy Warbeast

Gnarlhorn Satyr, Heavy Warbeast

Woldwarden, Heavy Warbeast Construct