Saturday, May 12, 2012

PICS: A Circle Album - Solos

Here are the current Solos in my lists.

Druid Wilder

Blackclad Wayfarer - One of the first Circle models I purchased and painted, if only so I could paint his home-grown stone axe. The figure was a complete pain in the ass to paint at the time due to his cloak and tiny details, but in the in end I like how he turned out.

Lord of the Feast - One of my favorite Circle solos to field, even moreso since Grayle the Farstrider was released. But just because of the sheer nastiness that is the Lord, he almost never survives long enough to really hit his stride... nearly just about everyone I play goes gunning straight for him the first thing they do once they see him hit the table. I swear, you teleport him just once right into the midst of someone's unit of Stormblades and utterly slaughter the whole lot of them, and they never forgive you from that day forward. ;)

Wolf Lord Morraig - I have a love/hate relationship with this model. On the one hand, Morraig is one of the first models that got me well and truly excited to start playing the Circle faction - I couldn't wait to finally get my hands on him. He's got impressive abilities, and he hits like a tank. But for all that, he just never performs for me on the table - whenever he should have an next-to-absolutely-impossible-to-miss shot that should wreck house or help win me the game, the guy fluffs the attack with either a 2 or a 3 on his to-hit roll.

For all that, I still love this model. Morraig here is not yet finished - these are shots of the WIP. As shown, he still needs his sword hand painted, and he's missing his shield. In fact, his upper torso is not yet glued to the rest of the model at this time, to allow me to easier access to painting him.

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