Saturday, March 5, 2011

3/4/11 Work - Behold, the Big B!

I've actually been painting just about every night this week in preparation for the Highlander tournament tomorrow noon. Since Julia is going to be partaking, and she has chosen the Behemoth to be her "heavy warjack" (since it's about as heavy as Khador gets, really...) I've been working my ass off to get the thing assembled and painted.

And ho, it's finally done! Well, mostly - there are still a few very minor details to paint, like various rivets, touch-ups, etc. But I'll wait until after the tournament to do all that. I wish I had time to get the thing sealed before the tournament, but it's not to be, so it'll have to do for now. It still looks impressive, so I'll have to get some pictures of the thing when I get the chance.

About the only thing I'm not happy about with it is the pose - if I could, I'd redo his legs to pose him a little more upright instead of slightly crouched over. It would help give him a little bit of extra height that I think the model desperately needs, since this IS supposed to be the biggest warjack in the entire game. But given all the work and modifications that went into making the wreck marker base he's on work, I'll be happy with how he turned out and file it away for any future modifications I do for any other figure.

Finished Julia's Kodiak yesterday, so he's ready to join the Behemoth on the battlefield tomorrow.

Currently I'm also working on Krueger the Stormwrath, since he's been sitting around mostly painted for some time, but not finished. Time to rectify that, if I can for tomorrow's tournament. I'll see about also getting some dabs of paint on my unit of druids, too.

The wash on Krueger should be dry now, so back to the painting table...

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