Saturday, March 19, 2011

PICS: The Behemoth!

As promised, here he is, in all his massive glory!

In truth, he's not 100% finished - there are still a few very minor details to paint (rivets, and the like), and he still needs to be bullet-coated, but otherwise, he's pretty much finished.

So here's a nice head-on shot... probably a view no enemy wants to see!

I'm rather happy that I got the glow in the eyes to come out as I'd hoped, too.

I'm thrilled with how his custom base came out - a Large Cygnar wreck marker with modifications. The inside joke behind it is because one of our friends who got us into this game plays Cygnar... originally, the wrecked jack was to be painted in the colors of his army...

Also, a big thanks to Tim, the Press Ganger at my LFGS who was kind enough to offer his suggestions for how to pose this monster.

I'm proud of the fact that I was actually able to get the glow painted in his furnace, in addition to the boiler gauge painted properly.

The battle-damage came out looking much better than anticipated, as well. I think I'm starting to get the hang of it. I may just add a few more dents and dings to his paint, but I'll save the majority of it for Julia's Devastator.

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